The Tribal Vibe: Workshops - Retreats - Festival

The Tribal Vibe Presents:

Workshops Summer 2024

Here you will find more detailed descriptions of the workshops that are offered at the Tribal Vibe Summer Festival 2024

The mandatory 6 practices (ART & Wheel of Consent) workshop transformed into fun and eye-opening games which both gives you more authentic connection to yourself and others and gives you the opportunity to meet many of your fellow tribers in small, fun inter-actions.


No nudity 

Playing our way into the roles and dynamics of being physical with each other. Tools to set up a "SAFE FRAME" with intensions, relationship agreement etc before we play.

This "Wheel of Consent" and dynamics workshop that will probably alter your perspectives and/or  re-discover playfulness and pleasure when it comes to  exchange, lovemaking and touch forever. 


Touch optional

Clothes on/Non-nudidity

We take back the power for the body to fully express, feel and be supported. We recalibrate the whole YOU and make softer pathways between your mind and your body, its emotions,  and reconnect to your soul. 

Using music and movement we open up for emotional release followed by an authentic communication session between your body & mind, so we know our boundaries and what we truly need to feel loved and cared for. 

After the emotional elease and intra-communication lies the possibility for having your "wants" fulfilled and relax into experiences of immense joy and bodily bliss through the tender touch of others.

Intensity LEVEL 2-3

Deep, emotional, physical movement

Bring pillow, towel/sarong/sheet for mattress, water bottle, ear plugs (you can buy them in the café)

Touch optional

Nudity allowed on own mat/sheet

In this workshop, you will be dancing, exploring movement and the capacity to express yourself through your body. Combining elements from modern contemporary dance, contact dance and basic tantric practice for awareness and embodiment,

Milan is guiding you through a journey of softness and joyful
celebration. You will be introduced to simple and fun ways to move and also basic contact dance exercises.

This workshop is opening a space for you to investigate and
expand the way you can express yourself through your body.
The workshop is alternating between solo exercises and exercises with a partner, 

You don’t need to be experienced to join. You will add on your “moves repertoire” and learn how to play with space, subtile energies and presence.

Intensity LEVEL 1 


The legend tells us that God gave Eve and Adam shame when they left Eden.

Covering their bodies with leaves, hiding their nakedness.

Holy Paint is about shaking off this shame. The modern shame of body shaming and self-loathing. We go back to selflove and -acceptance.

By exposing ourself and telling the story of our body. Our love for it, history, pain. We learn to see our body as a temple to be proud of. And how beautiful other temples are. Change your perspective. Rediscovering Eden, in yourself.

Intensity LEVEL: 2

Nudity optional

A deep longing lives in all of us. A longing to be seen.
Seen for who we are.Seen for all the parts that lives inside us.

Many of us hide away parts of ourselves in fear of being judged, excluded and shamed. This workshop is an invitation to express yourself and allow yourself to be seen – to invite a part of you into the light that perhaps most often lives in the shadow.

Experience how it feels to belong when you dare to enter into a community with all that you are. Maybe there's a vulnerability that longs to be seen? Maybe a strength? Maybe an  uncertainty? An imperfection? An anger? A pride?

It will be a workshop with impressions and expressions. We will witness each other and express ourselves through words - movement - breathing - sound - touch - creative expression - play. There are exercises solo, in pairs and with the overall group.

Do you long to feel the healing quality of the community?
Do you long to meet yourself?
To meet yourself in the other?
To meet your shadow?
Your light?

I See You

Intensity LEVEL: 2

I want to guide you into a space of safety, relaxation, expansion, playfulness and connection.

Bring the intelligence of your own unique body and soul. Enjoy little games of grounding touch, communication without words, animal movement and neuronal mirroring.

We want to become soft and move the fluids in the body, use the power of movement, breath, sound and touch to regulate our nervous systems together.

The touch and the interactions during the workshop will be non-sexual. Energies might be moved, even sexual, but this will not be the main goal.

The exercises will hopefully help you feel a deeper sense of coherence, and connection with yourself, your needs and with others. It might give you a clearer access to your heart space and to the ability to feel your guts and to authentically act in the magic of the Present Moment. 

Intensity LEVEL: 1-2

Enjoy the sauna

Most often we ask for silence round and inside the  sauna to make room for max  focus, nourishment and alignment 

Intensity LEVEL: 1-2

Bring towel to sit on

Nudity optional

The inner journey invites to explore pleasure and passion in all its guises, curiosity, beginner's mind, magic, beauty, love and non-duality, which is what I think of with Rediscovering Eden. 

We are all one big organism dancing together to lift the energy

Intensity LEVEL 1

No nudity

Daka is the name for a male sexual healer, same as dakini for a female. In this workshop you will give and receive a tantric-shamanic sexual healing work that combines tantric rituals, breathwork, chakra energetic work, massage.  All you need is presence, compassion and commitment to your intention. 

Intensity LEVEL: 3

You can stay as clothed as you want and genital touch is optional.

Life in all its complexity and beauty is birthed by the fusion and artful interplay of the feminine and masculine energies. As Adam and Eve were the first polarised energies in the bible, those polarities are everywhere to be seen like in the yin yang symbol ☯ that unveils to us those energies are interconnected and are indivisible. We are not split from this truth and also made of those energies, Milan in this workshop invites you to come journeying into the realm of non-dual polarities.

When we come in touch with the voice of the divine feminine and the voice of the divine masculine and bring them together a deeper fulfilment emerges. To achieve that state and embody those principles, you will be taken into an inner

contemplation and initiate a dialogue between your polarities, then bring the essence of the yin and the yang back to oneness.

Intensity LEVEL: 2

Clothes on/Non-nudidity 

We walk hand in hand for days. Stare into each other's eyes for hours. But how often do you really take the time to look with attention and love at the source of your beloved?

Through gentle, respectful exercises, you explore each other's energy. We descend layer by layer to the essence of our sex. What does it have to say? What attracts you to your partner and makes your heart beat faster? Tune into this source, your partner's sex. How does it feel? We use no words to explain this to each other but visualize it in clay.

Connect with your love, fill your heart, and let your hands find their way. Anyone can do it! Because we're not creating 'art.' It's not about making a masterpiece for the museum. No, actually something much more precious; your love. What does that look like? Surprise yourself and your partner. 

Bring your/an intimate partner and you stay together for the entire workshop.

Intensity LEVEL: 2-3 Couples workshop

Nudity is welcome/optional. .

Truly reconnecting to your Eden by exploring your unconscious shadow aka. autopilot to this life-experience.

You will learn about the biological and spiritual structures that create a sensation of being separated from your highest source – your Eden.

You will discover your very own ‘shadow’ and how you created it, and you can apply this knowledge to reorientate from this structure, back to a life guided by your highest selves

Intensity Level 2-3

No Nudity

Dance into Unity is movement with consciousness. It is free, improvised movement without words and choreography, where we include elements from Contact Impro, Dance Alchemy and Authentic Movement. It is movement with ourselves and in mutual contact with others – physical and non-physical.

We listen inward and outward, feeling our impulses, our boundaries and our interconnectedness. This kind of co-creation cultivates both presence and the ability to authentically be with what is and arises. It can be wild, sensual, slow, playful – and always unexpected.

We will venture on a journey through movement of our bodies arriving into Unity. You will find that the dance is a mirror of your patterns in the art of relationships: Do you dare to be yourself? Can you lead with clarity? Can you surrender with trust? Can you keep your relational balance or do you let go of yourself to meet the other?

In the workshop there are both sequences where we dance solo and nurture connection with ourselves and sequences where our common connectedness gets free flow in pairs and collectively with the whole group as we Dance Into Unity. 

LEVEL: 1-2

No prior experience with dancing is necessary – all bodies are welcome.

This workshop comes with a  trigger warning. It may stir up difficult, strong or hidden emotions in you.

What happens when that nagging feeling of not being chosen, not being good enough or anger/jalousi shows up - in spite of our best intentions or of any degree of conscious "enlightenment".

We venture deeper into the Wheel of Consent and shine light on the darker, more vulnerable layers. And the healing can begin...

Intensity Level: 3

Nudity, touch, working with intimate partner optional

Travel with intention deeper into your inner Eden.

Bernhard will bring his shamanic tools and pump up the heat for you in this silent and intentional sauna workshop

Intensity LEVEL: 2-3

Use your innate abilities to rediscover Eden In this experiential workshop you will learn to reconnect to your superconscious abilities, learn to broaden your perceptive capacities and to really ‘see’ what IS.

You will learn to exit the distorting veil of unconscious biases and limiting structures that (self-)sabotage true connection. And you will learn to establish and consciously apply new neuronal pathways that enable true deep connection to yourself and everyone and everything around you.

Intensity LEVEL: 1

No Nudity

We will start with the wheel of consent to set the context. The Wheel of Consent is a transformative framework designed to explore the dynamics of giving, receiving, taking, and allowing touch and interactions in a consensual manner.

This offers a structured approach to understanding and navigating boundaries, desires, and consent in relationships. We offer a combination of explaining the theory and practicing and exploring this framework playfully and sensually with the use of rope. We advise you to come with a partner.

Intensity LEVEL: 2

No full nudity

Discover new paths and depths of your body´s ability to experience pleasure and extasy in stillness and movement. With curiosity and loving presence, we will dive into the mysteries of our beautiful human vessel of skin, muscles, bones, fascia, nerves, fluids, energies and divine consciousness.

You will be guided into softness and pleasure through somatic meditation, inner games, primal movements, sensual explorations together in pairs and in the whole group.

There will be touch and different physical interactions, but the focus will be on the sensations within your own body, moving in a safe space together with other curious souls. 

Intensity LEVEL: 1-2

Learn the powerful tantric principle of contraction and  expansion, learn how to feel again so you can listen to your body's true ‘yes’ and ‘no’

Learn the powerful tantric principle of polarity with blindfolds and ‘sense play’ 

Learn a powerful technique that you can practice at home on your own or with others to experience a full-body energetic orgasm and access a healing altered state of consciousness.

Intensity LEVEL 1-2

NB. Participation in Workshop 1 (or similar workshops) is mandatory for joining Workshop 2 & 3

Join Milan and Rune for a transformative men's workshop. This unique experience is created for you to connect with your inner masculine power, enhance your presence, and ground yourself in the now.

Through guided exercises and embodiment practices, you will learn to soften and navigate your emotions, reinforced with a sense of safety and brotherly connection. Embrace this opportunity to embody your passionnate self.

Intensity LEVEL: 1-2

Join me for a deliciously pleasurable celebration of the most intimate type. You will take turns and learn how to caress, massage and stroke your partner's body, including genitals.

With loving presence, we will create a cosy and safe environment to playfully explore erotic innocence. We will begin with a heavenly whole-body oil massage to relax and ease us into openness and softness. We will then learn different techniques and strokes to become masterful in giving each other a pleasurable touch.

This workshop is suitable for couples, lovers and trusted friends. We will work in pairs and you will swap within your chosen duo. 

Please bring one large sheet per couple to cover the mattresses.

Intensity LEVEL: 

The archetype night creates a safe and playful space to explore different facets that compose our psyche.

In this workshop you will be invited to embody masculine and feminine roles. Being seductive, hunted, naughty, prude, assertive and immaculate amongst others…

We will celebrate the full bouquet of the human experience with open hearted sharing, dance and soft presence. You will get in touch with part of yourself that you are not so familiar with. And this allow for more authentic expression and expansion of your own self. And also a deeper awareness in your relating with other.

We have all archetypes in us, feminine and masculine, and to investigate how all those can be expressed is a true gift in your journey of self discovery. 

Intensity LEVEL: 1-2

  • Learn to become sensitive to your and others ‘energy bodies to open the possibility of energetic pleasure.
  • Learn basic tantric massage techniques for ALL levels of intimacy and experience - from learning how to massage both the lingam and yoni, to non-genital touch that can be done with your clothes on that is incredibly pleasurable, to moving life-energy through energetic non-physical touch
  • Work in the darkness to and release patterns of thinking, beliefs and behaviour that hold you back in life, preventing the ‘flow’ of energy in the body and limiting your capacity for pleasure
  • Take part in a powerful ritual in which you will experience delight. access a healing altered state of consciousness and a full-body energetic orgasm

Intensity LEVEL: +3!

The aim in impulse play is to support inner freedom - authenticity. session of coordinated wrestling – a physical encounter. Meeting each other physically. This can be as slow, playful, sensual, or rough as you want and have agreed upon with your partner. The emphasis is on "play. The main tools for this are conscious work with the body and emotions and the art of honest communication and this will be guided by the facilitator. 

We will end with an individual impulse play: guided by music you are invited to slow down and turn inwards, to follow your own natural rhythm and impulses, always dancing with ourselves. Trusting that when 'you do you' that is perfect as it is

Intensity LEVEL: 1-2

A Breathing Circle with a maximum of 20 souls

In this workshop I will introduce and guide different breathing techniques and my intention is to create a space where the participants can travel into themselves and get in touch with their innermost/soul/core/essence/energy. 

And as a bonus;  Magic happens when we sit in stilness and breathe together. The circle will of course be covered with shamanistic star sprinkles.

Intensity LEVEL: 1

Mantras are powerful sacred sound currents to uplift, heal and vibrate specific levels of consciousness into your body. 

This workshop invites you to surrender into the ease and flow of naked beingness - while sounding altered states of being into shared experience.  A loving and humoristic way to embody ease and fun. Like Eve and Adam in the garden of Eden - vibrate your pure light into your body, and allow for the sacred soul temple to be fully heard and seen.

Intensity LEVEL: 1

Stone by stone we are going to create a new history, where more healing and learning can take place, and your hands are welcome. Bring you loving, caring, The Tribal Vibe, and join in making it happen, let's co-create magic together. This year we are calling in the tribe to expand the circle and support healing and connection with the land through creating a third wheel in the sacred circle. If this is calling you to connect with the land, leaving a positive trace, and learning about ancient methods of herbal medicine, then you have landed in the right place. 

Get a practical understanding of sacred herb medicine and leave a positive trace that will outlast your time on the mountain.

The medicine wheel at Himmelbjerggården was started in 2022 to celebrate and honor ancient traditions and to share the wisdom for herb growing and natural medicine as a sacred spiritual practice. What is sown, planted, harvested and created is supporting the vision of healing and bringing people closer to their true self, and Mother Earth. 

Intensity LEVEL: 1

In this workshop you will experience, in pairs or alone, how to deepen your connection, while balancing your energies when breathing together rising through the chakras.

This transformative session will guide you through synchronized breathwork and chakra alignment techniques, enhancing your bond and promoting mutual healing.

Ideal for couples, but no need to have one to experience the trust, intimacy, and spiritual growth that this active meditation can offer you. Discover the power of shared energy as you explore each chakra, from root to crown,with the energy and support of the full tribe. Embrace this unique opportunity to harmonize your minds, bodies, and spirits.

It will be your choice to do it alone or in pairs..

LEVEL: 1-2

Guilt throws as right away from Eden. Guilt makes us feel as if we don't belong. The sense of guilt can overshadow moments of joy or pleasure, as it may make us feel undeserving or conflicted about experiencing positive emotions and the right to be and express our uniqueness in all areas of our lives, including sex.

We will explore systemic and somatically the hidden forces of guilt, sometimes just out of loyalty, shaping our relationship with love and pleasure and discover the power to heal generational patterns. 

Through systemic exercises and group dynamics and rituals, we will bring these hidden dynamics to light, and find new paths to healing these entanglements with the past, so to be ready and worthy of paradise itself.

Level: 1-2

Intensity LEVEL: 1-2

Get  ready! Put on your make-up! 

Bring out your best "disco"- Adam & Eve outfit! 

Glam, disco, over-the-top-70's and 80's vibes

Tribal community get-to-gether Workshop & Disco-dancing

Deconstructing conflict as key to exposing the unconscious autopilot and deliberately living from our highest selves.

Preferably, participants have taken part in WS#2 (In the Shadow..) to be familiar with the concept of the human condition, our shadow and the biological foundation to our egoic shadow structure!

In this experiential workshop we will have a closer look at, how conflict allows us to make our unconscious drive forces conscious and it enables true choice to reorientate from reacting from our egoic shadow structure to acting from our highest connected selves.

Intensity LEVEL: 2-3

Masturbation is taboo – even within conscious partnership masturbation can come with strong opinions and triggers. In this workshop you are invited to explore ways of self-pleasuring as a sacred act of worshipping the divine life force within and expanding your capacity for pleasure.

This is not about being witnessed in your lust or desire – it’s an inward exploration of self-pleasuring beyond the linear end result of climaxing as tension relief, and discovering the ebb and flow of self-induced pleasure waves.

The workshop and ceremony invites you to embrace the power of your pleasure. In this beautiful ceremony we will offer our collective pleasure to the divine in a prayer of healing and love for all beings and planet earth.

Intensity LEVEL: 3

Bring own cushion/towel for cushion!

    • We seek forgiveness for the wounds of the yoni and lingam.
    • Sisters will learn to dearmour sisters. Brothers will learn to dearmour brothers. We will seek forgiveness and in the heat of polarity, we will come together in love and pleasure.
    • Learn, give and receive tantric prostate and cervix dearmouring
    • Take part in a powerful forgiveness ritual where we will recognise and release the wounds held in the yoni and the fear held in the lingum.

Intensity LEVEL: 3

Participation in Energy Orgasm 101 (or similar workshops) is mandatory for joining this workshop

A playful workshop where we will learn how to give each other tantra massage from different perspectives. Tantra massage is a deeply heartfelt and beautifully sensual touch that delights the senses and awakens our life force energy.

We will play with different types of touch,  with breath to build up sexual energies

Yoni and Lingam massages are included in this workshop.


Full nudity and sensual touch is very much welcome, within your own boundaries, of course.

NB You must bring both sheet and towels - for double protection of the mattresses

The Erotic Blueprints, developed by somatic sexologist Jaiya, are a framework for understanding and exploring your unique erotic preferences and responses. They help identify what excites and nourishes you erotically and what diminishes your arousal.

These gateways to eroticism can shift throughout one's life due to significant life changes, so it is always interesting to rediscover your Erotic Blueprint, not only to enhance your personal sexual fulfillment but also to facilitate better communication and connection with your partners.

This self-awareness can lead to a deeper understanding of your own needs and desires, as well as a greater empathy and responsiveness to your partner's erotic preferences.

This journey of somatic and experiential exploration offers erotic nourishment, healing, and expansion, both on an individual and collective level.

Intensity LEVEL: 2-3

We meet in a circle where I set the room with smudging and drumming. During the first hour we will dance and through the dance the body opens up more.

My intention here is to open the heart space/heart Chakra so that the participants come into contact with their soul and connect to each other from this place.

Kundalini Activation initiates a process where you travel on your own energy flow and open up their entire inner world. I want to invite you to curiously let yourself flow with your energy. 

Intensity LEVEL: 2

A playroom for couples or playmates to explore the sacredness of being held or to holding someone into surrendering.

With black stretch wrap as a tool of bondage, the body’s sensitivity is increased and altered states of consciousness can be reached. 

The process of surrendering and providing the space for surrendering opens to a sacred path of strength, focus, trust and communication - which in turn opens the gates for deep transformation, healing and sacred pleasure. 

The workshop introduces you to various ways to play with wrapping and stimulation. A safe and loving container to explore bondage with stretch wrap and domination/subordination play. Its up to you and your partner how deep this goes.

Intensity LEVEL: 3

You need to bring your own master or playbunny.

Bring sheet for mattress!

We dare you one last time before we say goodbye

and invite you to move into our playground of innocence and temptations.