The Tribal Vibe: Workshops - Retreats - Festival

Summer Festival Faculty 2024

Facilitators & Organizing team



Anne is a spaceholder, movement facilitator, psychologist – and a lover of life.

She is forever engaged in exploring ways we can (re)establish connection with ourselves and our surroundings so that we can meet ourselves and life AUTHENTICALLY. Movement, bodywork, breath and sound are key portals in her practices.

In her space, all feelings and experiences are legitimate and welcome. She invites us to cultivate our CURIOSITY; exploring what is alive in us and ways to express and embody it. Her facilitation plays with our capacity to ALLOW: How deeply can we allow our sensations, emotions, impulses – both the pleasurable and the inconvenient or uncomfortable? In short, her facilitation aims at expanding our capacity to allow and explore our experience and the experience of others.

Anne has worked with movement, meditation and self-development for the past decade, and has during the last 4 years taught and facilitated workshops in her business part time and at festivals in Denmark and Sweden.

Dance into Unity

I See You



Diana Diakova is a pioneer in Denmark in Somatic Sexology, Tantra Teaching, Tantric Bodywork, Somatic Couples Bodywork and Sexological Bodywork. Together with Martin Heese, she was among the first to put Tantra on the map in Denmark.

Diana has developed and introduced the treatment method Yonimapping (vaginal therapy). She was the first to show a Yonimapping on national TV. With her many years of therapeutic experience she is now teaching in Denmark and internationally.

She is the founder and owner of the tantra institute C.H.A.I. Copenhagen Heart Awakening Institute, which she is running together with Martin Heese.

She facilitates many of the workshops in C.H.A.I. and she educates Tantra Bodyworkers and Somatic Sexologists on C.H.A.I.´s inter-nationally renowned educations “Tantrabehandler-uddannelsen” (Tantric Bodyworker) and the Yonimapping education.


Tantra Massage including Yoni/Lingam



Beatriz is following her urge and passion to experience and embody her own essence in service to life she has been more than twenty years sharing her search for happiness and authentic living and loving, guiding hundreds of individuals and couples to meet, honor and enjoy their own nature and uniqueness, integrating shadow and light as a playful dance towards joy, presence and connection, opening the heart to live and love fully.

With empathy, passion, humor and relentless creativity she can make you go as deep and/or as high through yourself until you see the beauty and strength that lives within you, along with the endless possibilities to manifest your authentic loving, successful and powerful nature.

Along with her channeling abilities, her sessions, teachings and facilitations are based on Tantra, Rebirthing, Family Constellations, Consent, Reiki and Chinese Medicine, amongst other paths and tools.


Chakra Healing

Daka- Dakini

The Five gates of Erotic Blueprint

Letting go of Guilt



"Eva laughs loudly, dances vigorously, and if necessary, she cries just as
hard." True! No emotion is foreign to her, and she celebrates them all.

One thing is certain, with Eva around, it never gets dull. She brings energy
and welcomes emotions. With a lot of love and attention for the people
around her.

Naked with Eva excites because she has something to share. Not that Eva
herself is 'complete’. Far from it. Long live imperfection! Just being human.
;-) Just like you.

We all have something to tell each other, and we can all learn from each
other. Sometimes, all you need is the right place and opportunity.

Eva's passion is to create that place. Moments in which you feel both safe
and challenged to celebrate yourself completely! Just the way you are.
Because you are magic! So, bring your body and dive in!


Holy Paint

Sculpt me, please!

Yoni Nature



Lil is a neuro and behavioral biologist, combining cutting edge science and ancient spiritual knowledge in inspiring you to rediscover and reconnect to the true magic in life.

On this journey, she is encouraging you to regain the power of creating a life from your true nature, purpose and true heart’s visions - guided by your divine self and the limitless connection to ALL through time and space.

With more than 10 years of experience as coach and facilitator in corporate and private framework and in various contexts and settings from 1:1 to larger groups, she has been of service to other explorers from Europe, the US and Australia along their adventurous path to make the unconscious drive forces, aka our biological and mental autopilots, conscious.

For this, she employs a combination of profound, yet easy to apply tools and techniques from creative self-development, shamanism, holotropic breath- and bodywork, energetic healing modalities, and includes the energy of horses and the stunning nature of her home - the southwest coast of Denmark - into her daily practice at Jotunheim – Coaching & Training.


We are one – honing in on your superconscious connection

In the shadow of the tree of life

​​Snakes and Ladders


1:1 Sessions



Matilde Jacobsen lives at Himmelbjerggården and besides being an organic farmer with a deep passion for herbs and natural medicine she is also a yoga teacher.

Matilde works with the herbal medicine wheel on a daily basis. Her journey with herb medicine started many years ago and she is now adding a formal education in Phytotherapist® to her vast skills.

Working with soil and land regeneration and sharing about the wisdom of plants is close to Matildes heart, Nature is a teacher.


Grounding and leave a positive trace: The Tribal Vibe Expanding the Wheel



 Milan is an insatiable curious for life’s mysteries. And his quest to understand the subtle play of polarities around us and in our body has taken many forms. He has been practicing different dance styles, meditation techniques from the non-dualist classical Tantra school to the Taoist and different martial art practice to sharpen his embodiment. He is a passionate man that has dedicated his life to bring more balance in the world.

As a facilitator and Tantric embodiment teacher/ therapist, he opens a space for true expression and self exploration. With presence and compassion he supports his clients to evolve from fear to love and help them to come closer to their true selves. Milan has been working with individuals, couples and groups using dance, body work, relational therapy and Tantra successfully for many years.

Milan’s work brings healing to the wounded masculine and contribute to the expansion of consciousness in our world. The transformation of the old sexual paradigm into a more refined and authentic connection is an important part of his vision. By creating playful exercises and with a keen eye for boundaries he holds safe spaces for new experiences of intimacy and love. 


Embodying the Dance

Aspecting the One

Embodiment Men's Workshop

Archetype Celebration Night

1:1 Sessions



Rune has dedicated his life to unlock and embody still higher levels of truth, joy and love, embracing vulnerabilities and shadows along the way.

With a deep compassion and caring, he is devoted, to support people developing access to their inner compass and guidance.
His work and way of being inspires others on their journey, helping them unravel the patterns, blocks and stories that are holding them back from releasing their full light and fire unto their life

Along his strong presence, Rune’s work bridges a solid spectrum of - shamanic traditions (plants, trance, gong),  devotional tantra, conscious relating, somatic practices (breathwork, de-armoring, intuitive
movement), circling and men’s work, altogether a powerful toolbox.

In a workshop with Rune, you get to experience his child-like curiosity and playfulness balanced by embodied wisdom from deep life experiences and the benefits that affects everyone around him invoking hope, joy, reflection and gratefulness.


A vibrational journey back to Eden

Tight and Sacred love

From mastubation to worship of divine life

Embodiment men’s workshop

France / UK


Wave is a tantric and shamanic practitioner. He has undertaken more than 8 years of extensive tantric training. His teachers have included Alan Lowen (Art Of Being) and Pema (Wild Tantra). He has spent months in Peru learning from Maestro Heberto Garcia in the Lareto region of the Amazon rainforest. He is deeply connected with several plant medicines including Mappacho and Ayuashsca.

Wave has years of experience in bodywork and healing modalities from non-Western and Western traditions such as Dearmouring (Gaia Method), Zen Buddism (Thich Nhat Hanh), CBT, EMDR, and NVC. He specialises in supporting the experience of 'energetic orgasms' which increase the body's capacity for pleasure and enable expanded states of consciousness for healing and manifestation. 

Wave is the Founder of Organising from Elsewhere which aims to support a paradigmatic shift in the way activists organise from systemic change. 

Wave is a writer and spoken word artist, founder of both Collier Street Writers Group  ( and The Sweet Sundays (@thesweetsundays) 


Energy Orgasms 101: Principles

Energy Orgsms 101:  Pleasure, Ritual & Energy

The Energy Orgasm: Ritual, Release, Ecstacy



Love, Connection, Sensuality, Freedom and Authenticity are all concepts that Scarlett tries to live by and incorporate in all her work. She has been working with body awareness on many different levels, e.g yoga, dance, treatments and therapy for many years.

Scarlett is specially interested in the energetic connections in the body, between body and mind, and between body and body.

In gatherings Scarlett absolutely loves the energy that rises when we all dare to show the vulnerable part of ourselves and let the authenticity of our selves be shown, whether it’s by words or movements.

Scarlett also has a strong love of the shamanic way of living. She believes in the spirits of humans, animals, plants, the moon and the stars. Scarlett has been practicing rituals for many years and it leaves traces in all her work.

On a daily basis Scarlett works as a psychotherapist, teaches yoga and facilitates Ecstatic Dance events and Women Circles and Ceremonies.

Scarlett is so excited to be a guest facilitator this year :) Join the tribe and let’s elevate the vibe!

Looking forward to see you all:)


Ecstatic Dance

Breathe Sisters & Brothers

Rediscover Your Eden with Kundalini Activation, Dance and Sharing



In her work, Signe supports people in rediscovering their innate ability to enjoy life through deep connection with themselves and in their relations with others.

Full and deep presence in the present moment with the heart-opening acceptance of ALL our emotions and all your sensoric sensations is the golden key to inner connectedness and peace of mind. Acceptence, connection and love are the supreme unifying forces in our relationship with others.

Her great passion is to find gateways to travel deeper into the open heart space through the body, where we meet the essence of ourselves, and into the relationship with each other, whether it happens in quiet, expanded consciousness or in sensual, explosive ecstasy.

Alongside her work as a couples therapist, sexologist and body therapist she facilitates workshops exploring the many facets of tantra, relational authenticity & consent, mind-bodyfulness, meditation and self leadership.

Signe V. Bentzen is the founder of The Tribal Vibe.


Getting the Vibe ( with Wies)

The Gifts of Touch

The Body - a gateway to eden

Shadows, Rejections & Sexuality


Eden Forever



Wies Heiner is Co-Founder of Be Touched Community. She hosts and facilitates workshops in the realms of Authentic Relating, Deep Human Connection and Intimacy. Together with her companion Nicole Caodie, they offer a safe haven where stories are shared, vulnerabilities are cherished and true connection can manifest.

Be Touched actively brings in collaborators to enable new methodologies on the paradigm of consciousness and intimacy, which involves creating arenas for embodiment, play and diving deeper into Sensuality and Sexuality.

Wies is known for her energy, endless curiosity and enthusiasm. As a facilitator she is appreciated for her capacity to hold space for many souls at once. Wies holds a big value for inclusivity and makes people feel at ease with her warm and playful personality, while being at the same time strong, stable and secure.

She's also Co-Founder of Connective Communication. By implementing Communication Tools, Creative Practices and Trust Games, they bring individuals within organisations to new levels of self awareness, heightening listening and conflict skills; so that the work environment can be a place of value, connection and respect.


Getting the Vibe (with Signe)

Massive Cuddle Puddle

Sensual Exploration via Ropes

Impulse Play

Bernhard Staeger

Chief of Camp.

Bernhard has a calm, pragmatic approach to deal with a variety of tasks related to the camp, venues, tech and much more. He will lead a small team of volunteers to make sure the practical surroundings are set up and supporting all the magic that we create together.

He is also responsible for the fire related safety measures.

Bernhard has a personal as well as a professional background to support the work with people, organizing and practical tasks.

He also has years of experience related to shamanistic practice and other forms of psychospiritual, personal and inner work.

You will often find him carrying a serious yet playfull and sometimes selective energy, as he needs to prioritize what needs his attention at the moment.


Martin Heese was among the first people  in Denmark to work professionally with Tantra-massage and Somatic Sexology. During the last 14 years he has done several thousand tantra bodywork sessions and together with Diana Diakova he was the first to show a tantramassage on Danish television TV2 in 2009.

Together with Diana Diakova, Martin is running the Tantra Institute C.H.A.I. in Copenhagen. Martin is facilitating many of C.H.A.I.´s workshops – Melting Monday, Body Temple, Tantra Thursday and Tantra workshops for singles and couples. He is one of the main teachers on the Tantra Bodywork Education in C.H.A.I. and on the popular New Year Celebration in C.H.A.I.

Martin is known for bringing play and fun into the work and he can create a space full of lightness and joy.


Tantra Massage including Yoni/Lingam

Kerstin Ekström

I have found my ways to navigate life and find my unfolding human potential thorough art, poetry, nature connection, contact improvisation (dance), bodywork, body-mind-centering, trauma release, somatic meditation, being a mother and working as a medical doctor in the field of rehabilitation.

I regularly hold spaces for contact improvisation, bodywork, art and retreats in Sweden.

At The Tribal Vibe Summer Festival I will bring you an improvised mix of practices I have found useful, fun and pleasurable. 


Sarah Markussen

Sarah is the Chief of volunteers. with her ability to organize, structure and create a safe, fun and nurturing environment around the kitchen, cafe and tech volunteers, she will be the bridge between the volunteers, organizing team, facilitators and participants.

Her capacity to have a Birdseye perspective of the festival is of key value to keeping the backbone and the wheels of the festival spinning together with the rest of the organizing team.

She is a free spirit and quite the explorer and seeker of truth. She is a traveler of an inner as well as an outer journey, that has brought an alternative way of life. She travels her van and explores minimalistic ways of living, with presence and connection as keywords. She enjoys to connect with likeminded souls, in silence, in presence and in humbleness to what the moments will bring.


Sara Sun Heick

Sara Sun is our Chief of Café this year. She has a calm, structured approach to deal with the logistics around the café and the lovely volunteers who will be working in the café. She will lead a small team of volunteers to make sure all guests can get a nice cup of coffee, soft drink and delicious snacks in the breaks between the workshops and in the evening after all workshops.

She looks forward to bringing good vibes and a cosy place to relax during the festival. Sara has years of experience with working with people, coordination and planning many different types of projects and events.

Trine Holm

Trine is currently taking a well deserved break from the Faculty and is looking forward to be joining the Summer Festival as a participant this year.

She has been in charge of the café for the past four years, including baking all the mouth watering cakes and treats. And due to her super power skills in and around the kitchen she has often been our coordinator for food and menus for our chefs, making sure the standard is super quality as well as having cooked on our some of our retreats as well.

Trine is also the renowned owner of Fyrregaarden, a beautiful retreat center in Odsherred - The Tribal Vibe’s second home. We host many events at Fyrregaarden such as Tribal Vibe in the Dark, Couples Retreat, A Day with the Tribe, and Reunion Weekend. Many of our guest fascilitators also enjoy using Fyrregaarden for workshops and retreats on a regular basis.